We sponsored a dental booth at the May 18th
2013 Linden cherry festival. Everyone enjoyed
the day and we plan to have a larger presence next year. For more information on this small town
festival, go to the Linden Peters Chamber of Commerce web site.
Pictured are Dr. Rore, Kristen and Neng

Big time fishing at Oak Grove Park during their kids fishing tournament. Yes that is a pink Barbie fishing pole that my daughter caught her first fish with. It was a lot of fun and a very nice event and as you can tell by the pictures, darn early!

After making mouth guards for the Port City Roller Girls, they were nice enough to take this picture with me at the office. They are a real fun group and you can keep up with them at their link. If you get a chance, go to see them. For me it takes me back to the days of the Bay City Bombers long ago!

I also have contests in the office where the winner receives an hour flight instruction from me. I have been a flight instructor since 1988 and am the cheif flight instructor at Kingdon Airport with the Delta Flying Club. I give only limited instruction now since work family and my orchard takes most of my free time, but it is a thrill to take someone up in a small plane for the first time.

These next pictures where just taken mid July 2011.